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- /* REXX */
- /* REXX script for rexxbgui.library */
- if ~show('l','rexxbgui.library') then do
- if ~addlib('rexxbgui.library',0,-30) then do
- exit(20)
- end
- else nop
- end
- else nop
- call bguiopen() /* causes error 12 if it did not work */
- /* supply a second argument for a '0' return code instead of an ARexx
- error */
- fname=arg(1)
- if bguireadentries(fname,'LST')~=1 then bguierror(12)
- signal on syntax /* important: bguiclose() MUST be called */
- signal on halt
- signal on break_c
- esc='1B'x
- lf='0A'x
- cr='0D'x
- grspace.narrow=-1
- grspace.normal=-2
- grspace.wide=-3
- /* using ARexx feature: ,<newline> is translated to nothing */
- /* the || are essential - any added space will cause trouble */
- /* redefining the same ID makes previous buttons unaccessible */
- /* do not redefine winclose etc. */
- g=bguivgroup(,
- bguivgroup(,
- bguilistview('sslistv',,'LST','S')||,
- bguistring('str',,,256)||bguilayout(LGO_FixMinHeight,1)||,
- '',0)||,
- bguihgroup(,
- bguivarspace(50)||,
- bguibutton('quit','_Quit')||,
- bguivarspace(50),
- )||bguilayout(LGO_FixMinHeight,1),
- ,grspace.normal,grspace.normal)
- call bguiaddmap(obj.sslistv,obj.str,LISTV_Entry,STRINGA_TextVal)
- a=bguiwindow(fname,g,50,30)
- call bguiset(obj.sslistv,,BT_RawKey,80) /* F1 */
- call bguiset(obj.str,,BT_RawKey,81) /* F2 */
- if bguiwinopen(a)=0 then bguierror(12) else nop
- call bguiactivategadget(obj.str,a)
- id=0
- do while bguiwinwaitevent(a,'ID')~=id.winclose
- select
- when id=id.winactive then nop
- when id=id.wininactive then nop
- when id=id.quit then leave
- when id=id.winclose then nop
- otherwise nop
- end
- end
- res=bguiget(obj.str,STRINGA_TextVal)
- call bguiclose()
- parse source bla1 reswanted .
- if reswanted then return res; else exit 0
- syntax:
- if rc~=0 then say '+++ ['rc']' errortext(rc) 'at line' sigl else nop
- call bguiclose()
- exit 10
- break_c:
- halt:
- rc=0
- say '+++ Break at line' sigl
- call bguiclose()
- exit 10